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Art Restoration

"Pobo Restoration"
Just like the artisans of the past you can have your valuable clock or painting restored to it's original grandeur  !
If you cherish your prized clock just as much as I do and the original painting on tin or on your prized shield clock has been damaged from the ages of handling and poor storage, here is your chance to bring that prized possession back to its original glory!
Vlastimil Poborsky "Pobo" has been restoring fine art for over four decades. Old, discolored, or disfiguring varnish and restoration can significantly undermine the appearance of the greatest of paintings. 
At Pobo Restoration, respecting the vision of the artist while enhancing the inherent value of the artwork is at the center of all work performed.  

"Contact Pobo Restoration" "for a free evaluation and estimate at the bottom of the page"

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